
Loving WordPress? You're in the right place. This blog is all about sharing our passion for this awesome content management system with you and providing some tips, tricks, tutorials as well as insightful opinions that will help make your life easier!

How to Create a Post Views Counter in WordPress

Discover the power of a post views counter in WordPress. Measure reader engagement and add a custom column to your All Posts page. Learn how to create and track post views for valuable insights.

Shortcode For Gravity Forms: A Quick Explanation

How many parameters does a shortcode for gravity forms take? And how to use them? This 5 min tutorial will answer all these questions.

Gravity Forms Ajax Spinner: How to Change It

In this small tutorial, we will discuss how to replace the default Gravity Forms ajax spinner with your own custom design in just 5 minutes!

How to customize WooCommerce order emails for specific products

This tutorial describes how to customize WooCommerce order emails for specific products or product categories in an easy and simplest way.

How to hide other shipping rates when Free Shipping is available Woocommerce

In this tutorial, we will discuss how to hide other shipping rates when Free Shipping is available at Woocommerce – 5 minutes tutorial

How to Exclude Custom Post Types From WordPress Search

What is the best way to make sure your custom post types don’t show up in WordPress search results? You can exclude them using WordPress’s native functionality.

WordPress Image Sizes: How to Remove Unused Image Sizes

A step by step guide on how to remove unused WordPress image sizes or post thumbnails to save the disk space and bandwidth on your WordPress website.

How to add hints for featured image upload section at WordPress dashboard

Statistics show that it is very useful to show some kind of help texts at the featured image upload section for the post editors.

How to search custom posts by ID in WordPress dashboard

WordPress doesn’t provide any built-in functionality to search custom posts by ID in WordPress Dashboard. Fortunately, it’s not that complex. Read this tutorial.

How to attach documents to woocommerce order confirmation email

Want to attach a PDF or any supported file to the WooCommerce order confirmation email for your customer when they purchase products from your shop? Read this.

How to auto check account creation field in WooCommerce checkout

Do you want the “Create an account?” checkbox to be auto checked while customers filling out your WooCommerce store’s checkout form?

How to limit the number of digits for zip code fields WooCommerce checkout

In this small tutorial, we are going to show you how to limit or restrict the number of digits in the billing and shipping ZIP code field on the WoCommerce checkout page.

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