Work Process

Work Process - Codexin Technologies

Work Process

We make onboarding customers simple, painless and enjoyable!

Our onboarding process ensures that every new project is successful. We start with understanding the requirements of your business and then research how we can best serve using design, development or support tactics according to your needs – all connected together in a seamless workflow!

Work Process - Codexin

Requirements Understanding

Communication with our clients is always an important part of what we do and is the first step in developing a successful project. We start by communicating about their needs and goals. We engage with our clients and ask them to provide detailed requirements, including what they hope for at completion of this process – without taking anything off limits! Once we understand each other as best possible, it’s time to set timelines so that everything moves along smoothly from start-to-finish.

Research & Planning

Our research and planning phase includes not only ideas, but also a guideline for how the entire project will be completed. We share our thoughts with clients so they know what to expect throughout all stages of development or renovations. If there are any other additional requirements at any time in future, then we take into account those changes as well-keeping every client satisfied!

Work Process - Codexin
Work Process - Codexin

Wireframe & Design

Once the planning stage is over and all requirements are clearly communicated, we usually ask our clients to share their resources including hosting and domain information, project contents or related images. We also sometimes provide additional support in case of clients want us. After the availabilities of the resources, we do wireframe designs and sent for clients’ approval. After clients approve it, we move to the next stage of development process.

Development & Testing

We use our experience, skillset and cutting edge technologies in order to create outstanding solutions with amazing outcomes for our clients. We make the best use of existing resources to develop a top notch product or service. From start to finish, we work hard and follow W3C coding standards with the best security measures with the best optimized performance. Once development has been finalized in terms of functionality or design; we conduct user testing thoroughly so no bugs slip through unnoticed at any stage during production.

Work Process - Codexin
Work Process - Codexin

Delivery & Support

So the project is now completed. We deliver the project to our clients and provide them with all of the necessary documentation, videos and other resources they need in order to get started quickly so they can start using it as well! We also have a predefined timeline for all types of support that our clients may need from us time to time. We take care to build a relationship with our clients so that they can count on us for any future support or modifications needed.

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