
Loving WordPress? You're in the right place. This blog is all about sharing our passion for this awesome content management system with you and providing some tips, tricks, tutorials as well as insightful opinions that will help make your life easier!

Highlight Searched Keywords on WordPress Search Results Page

In this tutorial, we are going to see, how to highlight the searched keywords on the WordPress search result page. Follow this tutorial to enhance your WordPress search result page.

How to Load Scripts/Styles Only for a Specific Custom Post Type on WP Dashboard

While creating a custom post type, sometimes we need to load specific scripts/styles related only to that specific custom post type and we don’t want to load those on other pages.

How to Create ‘Archive Only’ Custom Post Type in WordPress

Sometimes we need to create ‘Archive Only’ Custom post types with no single view. By using a specific hook, we can do this with a little bit of tweaking.

How Can You Show All Posts on A Archive Page for A Specific Custom Post Type (No Posts Pagination)

Sometimes we need to show all of the published custom posts of a specific custom post type on its archive page that should not have a posts pagination.

How to Provide SVG Support on WordPress Media Library?

Do you want to use/upload SVG images on the WordPress media library but can not upload in the media library due to security reasons? Please follow this tutorial to use SVG images in your WordPress site.

How to Change WordPress Administrator Password Using PhpMyAdmin

If you want to reset the WordPress dashboard admin login credentials using PHPMyAdmin (MySQL database), here is a little information that you would find helpful.

How to Enable ‘POST REVISIONS’ in WordPress

‘POST REVISIONS’ help us to fall back to an earlier version of the posts/pages if you accidentally/intentionally modified the contents of that particular post or page and want to restore the previous contents immediately.

How to Modify Default “Sub-Menu” Class for Child Menu in WordPress

Sometimes we need to modify the default “sub-menu” class for the child menu in WordPress. There is no direct way but this tiny tutorial can help you to accomplish this task.

How to add an admin user in WordPress using FTP

You have FTP access to your WordPress website and need an admin user account? This tutorial will walk you through creating one.

How to Show Total Number of Registered Users on WordPress

Sometimes we might need to show the number of registered users on our WordPress site without using a plugin. This small tutorial will definitely help you out!

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