If you want to reset the admin login credentials using PHPMyAdmin (MySQL database), please follow the below procedure:
1. log in to CPanel
2. Go to File Manager
3. Find WP installation root directory and find the wp-config.php file there
4. If you open that file in an editor, you will get the database username and database password there like below
/** The name of the database for WordPress */
define('DB_NAME', 'sample_db');
/** MySQL database username */
define('DB_USER', 'sample_user');
/** MySQL database password */
define('DB_PASSWORD', 'sample_pass');
Now that, you know the database name for your WordPress site
5. Goto phpMyAdmin from Cpanel
6. Find the Database for your WordPress site
7. Goto table wp_users. If you can’t see any wp_users table, then you need to go *_users table. here * is your table prefix. You will find the admin password from there. But, you will get that in an encrypted format
To change your password, you also have to set your password in an encrypted format. You can use this tool to make your new password in an encrypted format.
8. For example, type a new password here as “sample_password” and it will provide you the encrypted format output. You should use the MD5 encryption type.
9. Once you have the new encrypted format password, replace the existing one that is present on the ‘user_pass’ field
10. Now go to your dashboard login page and place the username and new password (not the encrypted format, use normal format for example “sample_password” ), and congrats you get access to the site dashboard!
Thank you